Hugging Face
Access kaggle on your machine
Setting up kaggle in CLI
pip install kaggle
- Setup the JSON: User have to set their email and key in this json file. Linux: ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json Windows: C:<Windows-username>.kaggle.json
Create New Notebook in Local
Initialize : kaggle kernels init -p /path/to/folder
In your nb folder a metadata file will be generated Set title and id; prefer to keep them same and just strip spaces, caps and symbols
in id; Add your nb name and any dataset used.
More on metadata key values: https://github.com/Kaggle/kaggle-api/wiki/Kernel-Metadata
Push Command kaggle kernels push -p /path/to/folder
(remove path flag if in cwd is dir with nb)
Accessing Dataset
list -s [KEYWORD] //Search
kaggle datasets -d [DATASET] //download kaggle datasets download
Creating dataset
Initialize: kaggle datasets init -p /path/to/dataset
Add metadata in datapackage.json
Push: kaggle datasets create -p /path/to/dataset