Hugging Face Utility

Hugging Face

Agastya Patel


January 24, 2024


January 27, 2024

Access kaggle on your machine

Setting up kaggle in CLI

  1. pip install kaggle
  2. Setup the JSON: User have to set their email and key in this json file. Linux: ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json Windows: C:<Windows-username>.kaggle.json

Create New Notebook in Local

Initialize : kaggle kernels init -p /path/to/folder In your nb folder a metadata file will be generated Set title and id; prefer to keep them same and just strip spaces, caps and symbols in id; Add your nb name and any dataset used.

More on metadata key values:

Push Command kaggle kernels push -p /path/to/folder (remove path flag if in cwd is dir with nb)

Accessing Dataset

kaggle datasets list -s [KEYWORD]      //Search
kaggle datasets download -d [DATASET]  //download

Creating dataset

Initialize: kaggle datasets init -p /path/to/dataset Add metadata in datapackage.json Push: kaggle datasets create -p /path/to/dataset